Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Class Dojo Update

You may have noticed that your child's Class Dojo points have restarted.  I am trying out resetting the points each month, so since today was the first of the month I reset the points to zero.  The program still keeps a record of how many points your children earn overall and in which areas.  I have noticed overall that the weakest area is for "not being prepared" and several parents have asked me what that means.

When we are changing materials, I will tell the scholars what to take out and begin to count backwards (usually from 30 or from 25, depending on what needs to be taken out).  By the time I reach 0, I expect all scholars to have the necessary materials on their desk and to be facing me, ready for directions.  It slows the class down and wastes time when I need to call individual students by name and tell them what to take out.  If you have noticed that your child is missing points in this area, please remind them to follow my directions right away and be prepared before I reach 0.

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