Saturday, October 19, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up Oct. 14-18

This week ended on a great note with the Ethan Allen Walk-a-thon.  It was nice to see so many parents and I know the scholars had a great time walking and running to support our school.  I was a little disappointed not to be able to walk due to my sprained ankle, but I enjoyed cheering the scholars on.  My ankle is improving daily and the scholars have done a good job "being my helpers" while I hobble around.  Thank you for all of your concern, I especially loved the cards and notes that some of the scholars made for me.

Here's a little snapshot of what we worked on this week:
-This week our Habit of a Scholar was PREPARATION.  We defined it as "being ready to learn with all tools necessary for the job."
-In math we have continued to work on addition strategies.  These strategies include using a numberline, doubles facts, ten frames, the commutative property, and counting up.  Our math unit test will be this Thursday.  I've attached some of my classroom notes so you can see what I mean by these strategies.

Here are some students' examples of the commutative property:
-In language arts we focused on the skills of monitoring and clarifying (asking yourself if you understand what you are reading and knowing how to make the meaning more clear when you are confused), distinguishing fantasy and realism, short e words, and nouns ("naming words").  We are continuing to work on descriptive writing.
-In social studies we learned about map skills including the cardinal directions and using legends.
-We have continued to practice explaining our answers using evidence.  The scholars are growing strong in this skill and have learned to provide evidence without prompting from me.  I added an award for "providing evidence" on Class Dojo to recognize their good habits.

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