Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Ethan Allen's Walk-a-thon will be next Friday, October 18.  This is a big fundraiser for the school and also a fun event for the scholars.  I sent home a packet from the PTA yesterday (on Monday, sorry but I didn't have it in time for Friday Folders last week) explaining the details.  There is a green half sheet of paper stapled in the packet that must be returned in order for your child to participate.  It is the Walk-a-thon permission slip.  Please complete the permission slip and return it to school as soon as possible.  All students must have a permission slip in order to participate.
There is also a white fundraising envelope in the PTA packet.  All fundraising is a flat rate, it does not depend on how many laps your child runs or walks.  The PTA has set a goal of $40 per child but really any amount will help.  We discussed at school that children may ask parents, family, and friends (as permitted by parents) for donations, but are not to go door to door asking strangers.
The Walk-a-thon will be from 11:25-2:45 but we will only be walking for half an hour.  The school will participate in stages with each of the grade levels so that it's not too crowded.  I'm not sure when our first grade time block is but I will let you know when I find out.  Parents are invited to walk with their children or to come and watch.  Please feel free to join us as we work up a little sweat to help our school!

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