Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween :)

This Thursday will be our Halloween Parade and parents are welcome to join us.  Please have your child come to school in their costume (unless they don't want to dress up, which is ok).  We will go into the classroom quickly to take roll, and then head back out to the blacktop like we do for Friday Flag Ceremonies.  Parents, you should feel free (and encouraged!) to dress up too, I know how excited the scholars are to see you join in the fun.  I am hoping that Mr. Smith and Baby Sebastian will be joining us for the parade as well.

Please remember these important rules to keep costumes appropriate for school:
1.  Absolutely no toy weapons.  Even though we know they are fake it's still not allowed at school.  This includes things like swords and light sabers.
2. No blood or other gore.  Usually this isn't a problem for 1st graders but this rule is to help keep things fun rather than scary, especially when it comes to upper graders' costumes.

Please let me know if you have any questions!  Also... since I know Halloween is on a Thursday this year and your child may be celebrating with fun activities that night, they are allowed to turn their homework in EARLY this week if they want to.  They can still turn it in on Friday as usual, but I will allow them to turn it in early if they want to be able to have Thursday night free.

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