Tuesday, September 24, 2013


There is a nasty stomach virus going around in our classroom.  It seems to hit the kids pretty quickly and there were already three children out with the virus from our class today.  I know that sometimes gifted children are particularly worried about being absent and are afraid to stay home and miss school.  While of course I want them to be at school whenever possible, please reassure them that if they are sick they should stay home and focus on getting better.  Anything important that they miss can be made up when they return.  This includes tests but also fun projects.  The most important thing is that they get healthy so that they can do their best work when they return to school.  I don't want them to worry about missing school when they are truly ill.  I hope that these icky germs will pass soon!

1 comment:

  1. hi Mrs. Smith,
    I didn't know this blog till today. It's very helpful and give us some insights to the daily class activities. Looking forward to more posts.
    Quang Mai
