Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Back to School Night

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend Back to School Night this evening.  Here is the text of my powerpoint presentation for those who were unable to attend.  I know I covered a lot of information so please don't be afraid to ask me any questions.

*Welcome to Back to School Night!
*Mrs. Smith
*First Grade GATE
*Lots of Information!
*GATE vs. general education
*Common Core Standards
*Class routines: daily schedule, homework
*Parent Involvement, Class Dojo
*This is a year of changes and your scholars are well equipped!

*What makes GATE different?
*Thinking tools
*Depth and Complexity
*Content Imperatives
*Universal Themes
*Habits of a scholar
*Think like a Disciplinarian
*Keys to Learning

*Accelerated pace based on readiness
  *Junior Great Books
*Greater opportunity for student choice, projects
*Focus on application of skills
*Mrs. Smith receives additional training

*What is the same as General Ed?
*PE, assemblies, school wide activities
*Same standards (but explored to greater depth)
*Same base programs (except for Junior Great Books)
*Same report card
*Mrs. Smith collaborates with the first grade team and has the grade level leadership role

*Common Core
*Fewer standards, greater depth
*ex./no more timed tests or money standards for math
*Focus on conceptual understanding
*Supporting ideas with evidence
*Application of concepts, related concepts together
*Writing is equally as important as math and reading
*Standards are provided, teachers must plan to address the standards
*Testing begins in 3rd grade (tests are taken on computers)

*Daily Routine
*8:30  Calendar (math standards integration)
*8:50  Math
*9:50  Recess
*10:10  Reading Instruction (phonics & word work, comprehension)
*11:50  Lunch
*12:30  Read aloud/extension
*12:45  Writing
*1:30  PE/projects/art/JGB (depends on the day)
*2:00  Social Studies/Science
*2:50  Dismissal
*Music every other week, computer lab TBD

*Weekly assignments, daily reading log
*Daily reading
*Write 1 sentence or more on the reading log
*Quality > quanitity
*Work will always be due on Fridays
*Scholars may borrow books from me
*Additional projects throughout the year (social studies, science, Curious George weekend friend) will always be discussed in class first.

*Helping your child succeed
*Help them stay organized with their folders
*Ask them questions and show an interest in their learning/specific interests
*Read together
*Encourage academic risk taking (it’s better to struggle through a challenge than to always excel at easy tasks)
*Keep a regular schedule for homework, sleep
*Practice typing skills
*Check Class Dojo
*Let them do age appropriate tasks independently
*Remember that they’re still kids J

*Class Dojo
*Look for patterns in behavior
*Occasional negative marks are not a cause for panic
*The amount of points given varies by the day
*Restarts each month
*Focus on CHOICES

*Parent Participation
*School events
  -I will let you know ahead of time (Halloween, Tet, etc)
  -Friday Flag Ceremonies
*In the classroom
  -Student work is confidential
  -Schedule ahead of time with Mrs. Smith
  -Mostly prep work
*Taking projects home
  -Let me know if you are interested
*Schoolwide birthday policy is strongly enforced.  Cupcakes, juice, no nuts, and please schedule ahead of time with Mrs. Smith.

*Contacting Mrs. Smith
*Email is best:  lgravessmith@ggusd.us
*Send a note with your child
*I’m usually available before school on Monday-Wednesday
*Friday Folders
*Call the school office
*Before you leave, please be sure to…
*Sign in
*Sign up for a Winter conference time
*Take the handouts

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