Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A note about health

There is a nasty flu virus going around in our classroom, and it is continuing to spread (even to me!) by scholars coming to school when they should really be at home recuperating.  Parents, I KNOW how much your children love school and how persuasive they can be.  I am glad that I get to teach children who love being at school.  However, a child with a fever or who is throwing up should not be at school.  They are not able to do their best learning and are infecting others.  I frequently hear scholars tell me things like "I threw up this morning, but I really wanted to come to school!"  Or "I was in the emergency room last night!"  Parents, please remind your child that their body needs to be healthy in order to learn best.  If your child is sick, please keep them at home for a day (or longer if necessary) to restore their health.  I always save work that they miss and go over it with them on their return, and I am happy to send that work home on the same day that they are out if you prefer.  I find that the students understand assignments and retain concepts better when their health is strong rather than struggling through work when they should really be resting.

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