Monday, November 3, 2014

Habits of a Scholar: Pondering and Perseverance

Last week we studied the habit of Pondering.  The scholars brainstormed the different ways that they ponder each day.  Some found it funny that they were "Pondering about pondering!"  Here are a few of the examples they came up with.

This week we discussed perseverance.  This is something we have discussed before and is one of the behaviors that I recognize positively on class dojo.  We remembered reading The Little Engine That Could at the beginning of the year and how the engine never gave up, no matter how hard things got.  We thought of many different times when we have had to keep trying in the face of obstacles.  This is such an important skill for GATE students to be comfortable with.  Often they can be such perfectionists that they want to give up if they make a mistake or don't understand something immediately.  I am so proud when I see my scholars persevering through difficult tasks!  Here are some of the examples the students came up with to show perseverance.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mrs. Smith,
    I don't know if you read this but this is Maria, one of your students from 2015 (I think). Anyways, everyone at Ethan Allen still misses you.
    -Maria :)
