Friday, August 30, 2013

Back to school!

It was great to meet so many of you today at GATE Jump Start.  I am really looking forward to the first day of school on Tuesday.  Many parents asked me today about what supplies are needed.  Our district has a policy of not asking parents to provide supplies, so please do not feel any pressure to buy anything.  I have prepared everything that your child will need during class.  However, I recommend that each scholar bring a folder with a pocket for holding homework, a whiteboard eraser (a sock is a cheap and easy eraser!), and a box of colored pencils.  It's not necessary to bring these, but they would be very helpful!!  Please send your child to school with a backpack for carrying home important items and a healthy snack for our recess at 9:50 am.
Our first grade lunch time is from 11:50-12:30.  Parents are welcome to eat lunch on campus with their children, just be sure to sign in at the office first.  Because our school is so large each grade level goes to recess and lunch at a slightly different time.  That way there is enough room for all children to play safely and with the appropriate age group.
Today was a very hot day and we will have more hot weather into September.  My first graders are always welcome to bring water bottles into class to keep cool.  Just make sure that they can open their water bottles by themselves, please, so that I don't have to disrupt class to help them.  First graders are also welcome to bring hats to wear during playground time in you wish.
Please make sure that your child knows exactly how they are getting home from school.  If they are a bus rider, make sure they know their bus number, what their bus stop looks like, and who is meeting them at the bus stop.  If they are being picked up, please make sure they know who is picking them up and what kind of car to look for.  I will walk the students out to the South parking lot and wait with them until they are all picked up.  Knowing how they are getting home will help your child to feel more comfortable during the day.
On Tuesday morning, children will play on the blacktop and playground until 8:30 when the bell rings.  When the bell rings, the other teachers and I will blow our whistles and show the scholars where to line up.  Our class will line up on the number 8 because we are in room 8.  Then, I will walk them into class.
Last but not least, I wanted to give you a glimpse at our classroom.  I have been working very hard to get it ready and all that's left to add now are your wonderful scholars and their masterpiece quality work!  I can't wait for the school year to begin!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Rainbow Fish

During the first days of school we will be reading The Rainbow Fish, a book I love for both its beautiful illustrations and its positive messages about sharing, kindness, and making new friends.  If you've never read it before, here's a link to the story being read aloud on YouTube: The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister

This year I'm going to make The Rainbow Fish an important part of our classroom.  I like to reward positive behavior in my class because I want my scholars to feel proud of themselves for making the right choices.  I use a clip chart in class to monitor behavior.  Scholars start the day out on "making good choices" and may be asked to move their clip up to "super scholar" for showing outstanding behavior and effort, or down to "warning" or other possible consequences.

At the end of the day, any scholar with their clip on "super scholar" receives a special sticker.  Last year I noticed many of my scholars making rows on their binders with their stickers to keep track of how many times they had earned super scholar during the year.  I thought that was a great idea!  This led me to my Rainbow Fish idea that I am trying out this year.

Each month every scholar will have a Rainbow Fish to color that will represent themselves.  At the end of each day, any scholar on with their clip on "making good choices" will receive a sticker to put on their Rainbow Fish's scales.  Any scholar with their clip on "super scholar" will receive a special sparkly sticker to put on their Fish's scales.  This will help them make their fish beautiful and show how many great days they have had in class.

At the end of the month I will send the Rainbow Fish home in your child's Friday Folder so that they can share it with you.  Of course, if your child is having trouble with behavior I would let you know long before that.  Believe me, I would rather work together with you to fix a problem and help your child learn at their highest potential.  There should be no surprises when the Rainbow Fish come home!  Rather, I want them to be a chance to celebrate the good choices that your children make at school.

Look for your child's first Rainbow Fish in their Friday Folder at the end of September.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Friday Folders

There will be many different types of papers coming home throughout the year.  Some of them are from the school, some notes are from me, and some are your child's completed assignments.  In order to help you (and me!) manage these papers I use a Friday Folder system.

Every Friday your child will bring home a green Friday Folder marked with their student number.  Papers on the LEFT side are for you to review and can then be "LEFT" at home.  Usually these will be your child's completed work or information from the school that doesn't need to be returned.  Papers on the RIGHT side are things that I would like you to review and then send "RIGHT" back to school.  Usually these will be important papers from the office, your child's test scores (I save these in portfolios in class after you have seen them), or anything that requires your signature.  Your signature is so that I know that you have seen the information.  If you need to send anything to me, this is also a good place to put it.

The Friday Folders will be returned to class on Monday mornings.  I hope that you find this system an easy way to organize all of those important papers and treasured schoolwork.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Welcome to 1st Grade GATE!

            Welcome to an exciting new school year at Ethan Allen!  My name is Mrs. Smith and I will be your child's teacher this year for first grade GATE.  I am really looking forward to getting to know you and your child.  I have already heard so many nice things about the children who are coming to first grade GATE.
            I would like to tell you a little about myself.  This is my 7th year teaching, and I absolutely love it!  Working with gifted children is a very rewarding job.  Each day is exciting and interesting for both my scholars and for me.  When I am not teaching I love spending time with my son Sebastian, playing with my two dogs, and reading.
            I am so thankful to be a part of such an amazing school.  If you are new to Ethan Allen you are in for a treat.  This school is filled with the most wonderful students and teachers imaginable.  Everyone works hard, and we also have many fun celebrations and activities.  One nice thing about our class is that everyone is new to GATE and many of the children are also new to our school, so everyone will be making lots of new friends.
            Since you know your child better than anyone, I would like to ask you to write me a short letter telling me a little about them.  Does your child have a special talent or interest?  What do they love to do?  What do you feel they will need the most help with this year?  Was there a particular moment when you realized that your child was gifted?  Is there anything important about your child that I should know?  I appreciate you taking the time to write this letter.  You can email it to me, give it to me during GATE Jump Start, or your child can bring it on the first day of school, which is Tuesday, September 3.
            Jump Start is a great way to help your child feel comfortable with their new class.  It is a chance to meet me, take a peek at our classroom, and meet some of their classmates.  Jump Start will be on Friday, August 30 at 11:00 in the Ethan Allen MPR. I hope to see you there!