Saturday, December 13, 2014

Typing Club

This week our big buddies helped us to set up our usernames and passwords for Typing Club.  This is a website where students can practice typing correctly with their fingers on the home row.  This website can be accessed from home for practice.  Becoming fluent typers would be a HUGE benefit and head start for the scholars, as they are expected to take tests on computers beginning in third grade.  There are many other typing websites and programs that your child can use such as Dance Mat (linked on this website), Mavis Beacon, or even just typing into a word document.  As we have started using iPads more frequently in class I have noticed that most student use the "hunt and peck" style rather than home row.  Learning to type correctly is fun for first graders and will be a lifelong skill.  If you're looking for something for them to work on during winter break, why not try typing?

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