Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Geometry: Plane Shapes

Our focus in math since returning from Winter Break has been on plane shapes.  The scholars already had a strong base from Kindergarden and have built upon that to understand shapes such as trapezoids, hexagons, and quarter circles.  In addition, we have been discussing the defining and nondefining attributes of figures.  It is wonderful to hear our little 1st grade scholars speaking with such complex vocabulary such as "The six vertices are a defining attribute of a hexagon" and (most importantly) actually understanding what that means!

I included some of the sticky notes from the poster to share something that I am particularly proud of:  The scholars are becoming more comfortable with applying the icons of depth and complexity when they see they are appropriate.  The icons that these students chose to draw (without prompting from me) are being applied correctly.  That warms my heart!

Today we used our knowledge of plane shapes to create a class book.  Each scholar wrote and illustrated their own page (a few scholars are still working because they wanted to add more details) which I bound into one book that the students may read as a "May Do" activity.

Coming up next:  Three-dimensional figures!

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