Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Thank you

Thank you for a wonderful school year.  This class has been such a joy to teach and I will truly miss each and every scholar.  We worked so hard together this year and I feel very proud of the progress we made. Please check your child's backpack for their report card and other important information inside the green folder.  Have a great summer and enjoy your time with your sweet and talented children.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Last Day of School Preparation

On the last day of school I will send home a folder containing your child's report card, a letter from me with suggestions for summer activities, and their portfolios.  These portfolios will not contain tests, but examples of their daily work throughout the year in reading, writing, math, and scholarly habits.  I don't send tests home because unfortunately in the past they have been shared with incoming students.  I will also include a report of your child's scores for our trimester 3 math final exam.

If you know that your child will NOT be present on the last day, please let me know so that I can send their folder of important papers home early.