Saturday, May 30, 2015

Recess Revolution

We are ready for a very exciting June!  During these last two and a half weeks we have many fun and engaging activities planned.  Mark your calendars for the Annual Ethan Allen Dance Festival on the last Tuesday of the school year.  We hope you are able to attend and see the first graders perform the Hukilau.

Please check Friday Folders for a permission slip for Recess Revolution.  You can learn more about it here:
This event will be on campus, but just like the walkathon a permission slip is required.  It should be a very fun and creative day for the scholars!

Recess Revolution reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:  "Creativity is intelligence having fun."

Thursday, May 14, 2015

QR Codes

We are looking forward to sharing some of our work with you next Tuesday at Open House!  If you have a smart phone,  please download a QR code reader app before Open House.  That way you will be able to easily scan the QR codes I've posted to access your child's Prezi and other scholars' Prezis as well. Very high tech for first grade, I know, but that's the kind of work our children are doing these days believe it or not!  If you don't have a smartphone please don't worry, I will have an iPad available.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

We are hard at work!

Parents, I am sorry it has been so long since my last post.  As you know our standards have changed this year and I find myself spending lots of time creating new assignments to address Common Core.  I wish I had more time to keep this blog updated!  I do continue to keep our calendar current, and you can see that May is a very busy month for us.  We are working hard to prepare many projects to share with you at Open House, which is just two weeks away on Tuesday, May 19.  We hope you can come to see some of our work which will especially highlight science, geometry, and our writing.